Pre-Trial Intervention
Pretrial Intervention Programs were created to provide individuals with no prior record possible rehabilitation opportunities as an alternative to potential jail or prison sentences, or permanent criminal charges on their record.
Pretrial Intervention programs are designed for individuals charged with a crime, and are usually specific to the type of crime committed. Pretrial Intervention Programs typically provide appropriate counseling, education, supervision, and medical and psychological treatment for individuals released to such programs.
Time is of the Essence: Do Not Delay.
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Benefits of Pre-Trial Intervention Programs:
Avoid the stress and cost of a criminal trial
Avoid potential criminal conviction
Avoid a potential permanent criminal record
Receive counseling, education, medical, and psychological treatment
Reduced recidivism rates for those who successfully complete PTI
Eligibility to have criminal charges Expunged
Individuals who successfully complete a Pretrial Intervention Program will have their criminal charges dismissed. It is important to understand that even though your criminal charges may be dismissed, it does not mean that they have been Expunged. Having your criminal record expunged is a separate process that may be initiated after you have completed a Pretrial Intervention Program.